Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, September 28, 2007

+2 Weeks

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Happy Birthday Logan!

At 9:05am a 9 lb 4 oz 21.5 in. Logan Lee was brought into the world, and mommy and daddies life got quite a bit brighter. Our little Angel and mommy are both in good health and good spirits. Thank you Lord for a healthy baby and mommy.

For those who are wondering Gavin gave the baby a big kiss the first time he saw him.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

38 weeks 5 days

Two more days and Logan will be here. I forgot to mention the name is settled! Woohoo! I am so excited! You keep feeling your belly and trying to figure out what you are feeling in there because the doctor said it was a head and it doesn't feel right to you from the outside so you are worried. I will admit I am a little worried myself but just because of the paranoid parent in me not because I believe anything is actually wrong. Even if something is wrong we will be able to deal with it together. I know we can do it. I love you with all my heart.

Friday, September 07, 2007

38 weeks 1 day

We finally moved all the stuff from the bedroom downstairs except for the computer desk which I forgot to have Richard help me move. Sorry! :( I got so tired I had to go to sleep or risk passing out. I can't wait for this baby to come! I am getting so anxious! I don't remember feeling like this with Gavin. It's crazy I am all overwhelmed again in a totally different way. Not to mention that West Dundee is processing me for Full-time you just started work at the new rink and my Paramedic test is the 19th. No pressure. Arghhhh!!!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

37 weeks 5 days

You had some contractions again last night we were hoping for the babies arrival, but to no avail. Coincidentally, I put the baby seat in the blazer last night so we totally would have been ready to rock. I am worried about the sharp pains you have had a few times. I tell you its fine but still I worry. I want him to be healthy so badly. It's horrible to be so vulnerable. Gavin and I pray for the baby every time we pray. I want you to go early now more than ever. I can't wait till we can bring him home and take care of him.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

37 weeks!

The baby is officially full term! I am so excited I am jumping out of my skin. :) You on the other hand are having to sit up just to sleep about half way through the night. Poor thing! :( Tomorrow you have a Dr. appt so they say if you are 3 centimeters they will just do the C section immediately. We are hopeful. I am so excited!

We were talking the other night and it is still just so crazy that we will have a second child soon. A few weeks at the most and he will be here. Even tho we have done it before it is still so hard to get your head around.

" the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female, and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh? So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.”

-Matthew 19:4-6

Thursday, August 23, 2007

36 weeks

Little baby on the way,
Getting bigger every day,
Kicking mommy here and there,
God please listen to our prayer.

Keep our baby safe and strong,
Let his time with us be long,
Help us teach him right from wrong,
And we shall praise thee all day long.

This little one, though not yet here,
Is loved so much, has grown quite dear.
Delivery time is growing near,
That's why we pray our plea you'll hear.

Please help up Lord, we pray to Thee

With thankful heart, on bended knee,
To raise this child that he might be,
A happy child because of me.

-Tina Greenfield

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

35 weeks 6 days

Last night you freaked me out! You woke up in a lot of pain a sharp pain in your abdomen. You didn't know why you thought because you were sleeping on your back and rolled over. I remained calm, but all I could think of was abruptio placente. I was scared to death. Tomorrow is 36 weeks but still you would be a week before full-term if it was labor and I was just so worried for you. Good news is I didn't get feint like I have before when I saw you in a lot of pain. The simplest thing is probably the explanation like a tendon getting strained or something, but for a moment there I was hurting for you really bad. I love you so much baby.


Lord God please watch over my wife and baby boys.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

34 weeks 6 days

34 Weeks Gestation
The ears have begun to hold shape.
The eyes open during alert times and close during sleep.
There is a very good chance of survival with a low chance for long-term disability.
The weight is about 4 to 4 1/2 pounds.
The length is about 17 to 18 inches.

A couple more weeks and you will be full term. From the looks of things you got another big baby in there. :) I don't dare tell you that, because you would take it the wrong way even tho I think the belly is cute. Tonight is graduation for me and still no sign of a state test although Governor Blagoyavich (I know its spelled wrong) has found time to give himself and other lawmakers a 10% raise. I passed the CPAT test so I can test for Algonquin Fire Department on the 29th so I am excited about that. All bullshit aside I am still very excited. I love you.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

33 weeks 5 days

I passed my final for Paramedic school and we took a little vacation before the baby gets here. If he is blonde I am going to make you stick to our deal. His name will be Logan if he is blonde and if he has dark hair it is Garrett or Grayson whichever you like. While on vacation I got a letter saying I did not make the top 60 candidates for a fire department I really wanted to be on. To be honest I was prepared for the bad news so it didn't affect me like I thought it might. Up until now I had been amazed at how these guys with their career on the line keep it together when they get denied at the last interview. While I am sure they are disappointed they just keep plugging away at it. That's what you gotta do to do the job.

Monday, July 30, 2007

32 Weeks 4 days

Thursday will mark my 45th straight work day. So Friday I took off and we are going to the Dells before the baby gets here. I wanted to do something for us that we could enjoy together before our new arrival. We need some fun time together where we don't have to come up with what we want to do around here. Also for the future I was looking at this place to maybe go camping during the summers with the boys. I know how much you like camping and this place looks absolutely AWESOME! Get this. It has a golf cart drive-in movie theatre. How cool is that!? Anyway, I love you and I am constantly thinking about you.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

30 Weeks

Last night I was rubbing your belly and the baby pressed himself against the part of your stomach where I was rubbing and for a few moments there daddy got to rub his unborn babies back. I really enjoyed that. Grayson or Logan or whatever we decide to name you it will be just the right name for you. "I want to rock with you! All night!"

I have been debating letting you post on this blog so it would be a little different from Gavin's blog, but I am still undecided and the weeks are draining by I suppose we will see.

I love you baby!

Monday, July 02, 2007

28 weeks 4 days

I'm struggling. It has been weeks since I have had a day off and to make matters worse I don't know if we are even going to be able to sit for a state test before this baby is born. God forbid he is born I am really worried. I try not to let you know it, but I know you can tell I am distant and spaced out. Running on autopilot if you will. I am sorry I am not doing better. I just want to make the best life possible for you and I feel my grip on the wheel just slipping. I am praying again. Maybe God has brought me to this point for a reason. I have to depend on him to make it because I can't make it on my own. I can see that now.

Monday, June 25, 2007

27 weeks 4 days

It has been too long since I posted here last. My schedule is crushing me right now, but I am doing this for you guys. This weekend I went to work Friday morning at 6:30am and went straight to the Pediatric ICU to do clinical time came home about 7pm. Saturday I worked a 24 at the fire station and went directly to the ER Sunday morning to do some more clinical time and got home at 6pm Sunday night. So it hasn't been easy.

I'd like you to see like my dad would have liked me to see why i run this race, but you won't understand it for a long time. You are not even born and you help to motivate me every day to keep going. I run this race for you -- not only to win this race for you, but to show you how to run it.

How can I fail? You and your brother are counting on me. I love you both so much I fear death now.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

25 weeks 5 days


Lately when we put your big brother to bed we make him kiss you goodnight. He walks over and kisses your mommies belly and then we go upstairs and read a book. It is the sweetest thing ever. We can't wait to see you and read books to you too.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

23 weeks 6 days

Dear Baby,

Your brother and I prayed for you last night. It was our first time kneeling down and praying before bed time. Your big brother doesn't know what to expect, but he knows where the baby is when we ask he points to mommies belly. We are really looking forward to your arrival. My world is beginning to be viewed with 2 children in it instead of just one. I look at Gavin in front of the TV in his chair and I imagine you sitting next to him imitating his every move. I see toys and friends and fights and a big brothers watchful eye. I like what I see. I love you.


Thursday, May 10, 2007

21 weeks

My Son,

I just wanted to let you know that you have the most wonderful mommy in the world. Daddy got really lucky when he snagged her. :) He doesn't know it yet but your big brother is going to love having you around. I already know it. Daddy has a big brother and a little brother too so go easy on him. Big brothers deal with some nutty stuff with parental expectations and having to look after the little ones and what not so give him a break eh. I am sure my tune will change once yer here and laying on the charm so disregard. :)


Tuesday, May 08, 2007

20 weeks 5 days

This boy thing has really thrown us a curve. Now we are scrambling to find a name. There are lots of options of course but none that have really jumped out at us like Gavin did. Names that we both seem to like are Gabriel, Wyatt, Grayson, Logan, Hunter, Drake and Garrett. Names that I like are Gunner, Coda, Carver, Judah, and Ezekiel, but you don't like any of those. hehehe

Today I got the most giddy feeling in my stomach thinking about the baby coming. Knowing the sex of the baby (and it kicking me recently) has really brought it to the forefront of my mind. I am so excited for the new babies arrival. 4 more months! Yikes! Look at it this way Elephants have 18 month gestation so we are kinda lucky. :) (easy for me to say huh?)

Monday, May 07, 2007

20 weeks 4 days


We just found out on Saturday that it's a boy. While shocked we are still excited. However we do not have any boy names that we are dead set on yet like when we picked Gavin. :( Crap! Darn babies throwing us a curve and Chinese birth calendar betraying us! *shakes fist* :)

Thursday, May 03, 2007

20 Weeks!

You scheduled the ultrasound for Saturday morning so we get to find out in 2 days if we are having a girl for sure or if the Chinese birth calendar is wrong and its another boy. We are both very excited to find out! It will be good to put the twins thing to rest too. Some people say there are very few real suprises in life and this is blah blah blah. We don't care. :)

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

19 weeks 5 days

I noticed you were showing a little earlier than you did the last time you were pregnant, but I thought nothing of it until my sister asked if I thought you were having twins. Well, I hadn't thought of it until then! It certainly would be interesting. :) I wouldn't mind, but I am sure Gavin would not be thrilled. This Thursday is your 20 week appointment and they will let us schedule an Ultrasound so you and I are both super excited. I can't wait. That should put that nasty twins rumor to rest. :)

I always download an image from Google using the search term for the number of weeks you are pregnant. This one was on the thrid page of images that came up. LOL

Friday, April 20, 2007

18 weeks 1 day

In 2 weeks you go to the doctor to schedule your ultrasound. We are really excited about that. Even tho the Chinese birth calendar says it's going to be a girl and most people whose opinion I trust think girl we are apprehensive about it. We are going to be super excited either way, but a girl would be fun to have. You confirmed last night that you can feel the baby poke every now and then. I was excited to hear that.

Monday, April 09, 2007

16 weeks 4 days

Yesterday I saw your face again for the first time it seemed. I don't know what it was, but it was just one of those moments where time stood still - if for just a moment. I got lost staring at you. You melted me. I still have that look you gave me burned into my retinas. It still makes me smile now just thinking about it.

I saw this quote and it made me think of that moment when I looked at you.

Yesterday is history, Tomorrow's a mystery. Today is a gift; that's why they call it "the present".

-- Unknown

If we have a little girl I hope she looks just like you so someday someone may know the pleasure I have in waking up to that face.

I love you

P.S. The picture was my favorite one when I searched 16 weeks on google. He scored 31 TDs. *sigh*

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

15 Weeks 6 Days

Dear Lord,

I know we don't talk much anymore, but I know you always listen to me when I call. I just wanted you to know how much this family you have given me means to me. I tell you this a lot, but I just needed to write it down. I am trying my best to take care of them and do what is right. My little boy bows his head to pray before we eat, and he puts a smile on any face he meets. He truly is a treasure. If you took him home tomorrow I would be a better man for having had him. My wife is a blessing without end. I definitely don't deserve her, but I do try to make up for the discrepancy. She is carrying our second child now and I am equally amazed at how the whole process works. I know I don't deserve all that you have done and continue to do so I just wanted to say thanks.


Friday, March 30, 2007

15 Weeks 1 day

Today I was called in for a shift at the fire Department. Normally that isn't a problem, but I already work a 24 tomorrow and I have Clinical from 8 am to 4 pm on Sunday so I am going to be away from you guys for 48 hours straight. I am kinda bummed out, but we really need the money with the little one on the way. It was so nice because you brought Gavin to come see me at the station and we got to talk for a little while. He was playing and grabbed that rubberband from the radio room and put it on his wrist. So funny. I found it laying on the Coke machine low shelf just a second ago so I put it on my wrist cuz I am thinking about you guys. I miss you so much. New baby I just want you to know daddy is working just as hard for you as anyone. I love you already.


Monday, March 19, 2007

13 weeks 4 days

Every once in awhile you get a sharp pain in your lower abdomen. A quick search on the Internet reveals: "Round ligament pain may result in short, stabbing and sharp aches in one or both sides of the abdomen." This is pretty much exactly what you are describing to me and there is no spotting or cramping associated so that makes me feel a lot better. Lately I am having an overwhelming urge just to hear your voice and hear what is going on at home. I miss you guys so much lately. It's all I can do not to call you. I miss you all so much!

Friday, March 09, 2007

12 weeks 1 day

You had a doctors appointment yesterday and you told me you could hear the babies heartbeat. It totally made me misty. I guess I was just so relieved that everything is going well. They also gave you the glucose test because Gavin was so huge when he was born they want to make sure you don't have gestational diabetes. I thought they tested you for that when you had Gavin too and everything came out negative, but I could be wrong.

Friday, March 02, 2007

11 weeks 1 day

Last night we were reading the scrap book I made of the blog I put up for Gavin, and it inspired me to write this entry. Because, as much as it brought me back to that time, I almost could not even picture myself writing all that stuff. His arrival has answered so many of the questions I had that my brain can almost not even conceive of having the question in the first place if that makes any sense. I read entries to you and we cried and laughed and thought about what this baby has in store for us. But during all that emotion and feeling the magnitude of the things I wrote I feel like I am almost cheating this new baby with this blog. The whole reason I started writing this was to combat that. I finally see what my parents went through when I came along, and it is kinda sad. The strange thing is I am more excited about this pregnancy than the first because I KNOW what is in store for the most part and I can enjoy it and cherish it all the more. So I guess I just typed myself into understanding why this baby is so special to me. I guess that is the beauty of not editing what I type.

I love you with all my heart!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

8 weeks 6 days

I feel crappy because I haven't thought of anything this clever this year. :( I don't want to do the same thing again, but I suppose a card with Gavins and my name and the someday to come baby might be cute, but it hasn't been 12 weeks yet so I am nervous still that something bad could still happen. The first time we miscarried we didn't know what we were missing. I feel like if there is a miscarriage this time we would be so much more devastated than before we had Gavin. Then there is the question of, if so, do I delete this blog? Jeeze I don't even want to think about it!

I Love you with all my heart!


Monday, February 12, 2007

8 weeks 4 days

Last night I read to you from the new baby book because you said you weren't as motivated to read this time around. It's a plus because now I have a good reason to read the book too. This new book "Your Pregnancy & Birth 4th Ed" is actually very detailed as to the hormones and stuff that are released. As an added bonus we are going over Obstetrics in Paramedic class now and it really does help cement the process in my head because the book is as detailed as my current Medic book.

There is one drawback to the reading...We both get so excited when we read it we don't want to wait another 32 weeks! Good news for you tho! By the time you read this we will have a new baby already!

Right now the baby is 1.5 to 2.0 inches long and less than an ounce but the heart is already beating. Right now he or she is still an embryo, but in the 9th week the baby becomes a fetus. I think its a lateral move. More work, but no more money kind of thing.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

7 weeks 6 days

You are super excited because the Chinese birth calendar says the baby will be a girl. You don't want to get your hopes up so you get mad and excited when I talk to "my baby girl". We like the name Gracie for a girl, and it is even a G name for a girl, of which, there are not a lot of good options. We like Garrett, Gage and Gabriel. I am leaning toward Gage, but think you are liking Garrett more. Gabriel was the front runner when we had Gavin and we changed it at the last minute to Gavin. I am not even sure when it happened.

Monday, February 05, 2007

7 weeks 4 days

This time around I look at the baby book on the back of the toilet, but I can't seem to bring myself to pick it up and start reading. This makes me sad. I don't want to make excuses, but with working full-time and Paramedic school full-time and working at the fire station part-time I feel like I can't get anything else into my head right now. I play this stupid game online, because it seems to help me forget, but I know that is going to have to end soon. I need to take some time to regroup and do home stuff even if it is just for a week or so. Then again this cardiac section in school is kicking my butt so hopefully I can study in there some place too. We moved a bunch of stuff out of the basement because we want to finish it, so I am hoping that I can do that soon. We don't really have the money for that, but we are slowly getting ahead. Just in time for a new baby. Yikes.

Was this the right idea? I know you are asking yourself the same thing right now. I can't help but think "Crap! I hope we did the right thing." In my heart tho I know we can make it together. The little boat of you and me!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Deja Vu all over again.

I swore I wouldn't treat my second child any different than my first, and even tho I know that is impossible, I am writing this with that in mind.

We decided that this would be the right time to have another child because I would be finishing school in August and even if we did get pregnant in the first month of trying the baby would be born in September, besides, what are the chances that would would be so lucky again? Uh...Yeah.

You are currently 8 weeks pregnant with our second child and the butterflies in my stomach are no different than they were with our first. The miscarriage possibility looms large again and the other day you told me you were cramping. Even tho I told you it's normal to have some cramping, my heart sunk. I ask you every couple days and you haven't cramped since, but I am still so worried about you.