Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 30, 2007

37 weeks!

The baby is officially full term! I am so excited I am jumping out of my skin. :) You on the other hand are having to sit up just to sleep about half way through the night. Poor thing! :( Tomorrow you have a Dr. appt so they say if you are 3 centimeters they will just do the C section immediately. We are hopeful. I am so excited!

We were talking the other night and it is still just so crazy that we will have a second child soon. A few weeks at the most and he will be here. Even tho we have done it before it is still so hard to get your head around.

" the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female, and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh? So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.”

-Matthew 19:4-6

Thursday, August 23, 2007

36 weeks

Little baby on the way,
Getting bigger every day,
Kicking mommy here and there,
God please listen to our prayer.

Keep our baby safe and strong,
Let his time with us be long,
Help us teach him right from wrong,
And we shall praise thee all day long.

This little one, though not yet here,
Is loved so much, has grown quite dear.
Delivery time is growing near,
That's why we pray our plea you'll hear.

Please help up Lord, we pray to Thee

With thankful heart, on bended knee,
To raise this child that he might be,
A happy child because of me.

-Tina Greenfield

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

35 weeks 6 days

Last night you freaked me out! You woke up in a lot of pain a sharp pain in your abdomen. You didn't know why you thought because you were sleeping on your back and rolled over. I remained calm, but all I could think of was abruptio placente. I was scared to death. Tomorrow is 36 weeks but still you would be a week before full-term if it was labor and I was just so worried for you. Good news is I didn't get feint like I have before when I saw you in a lot of pain. The simplest thing is probably the explanation like a tendon getting strained or something, but for a moment there I was hurting for you really bad. I love you so much baby.


Lord God please watch over my wife and baby boys.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

34 weeks 6 days

34 Weeks Gestation
The ears have begun to hold shape.
The eyes open during alert times and close during sleep.
There is a very good chance of survival with a low chance for long-term disability.
The weight is about 4 to 4 1/2 pounds.
The length is about 17 to 18 inches.

A couple more weeks and you will be full term. From the looks of things you got another big baby in there. :) I don't dare tell you that, because you would take it the wrong way even tho I think the belly is cute. Tonight is graduation for me and still no sign of a state test although Governor Blagoyavich (I know its spelled wrong) has found time to give himself and other lawmakers a 10% raise. I passed the CPAT test so I can test for Algonquin Fire Department on the 29th so I am excited about that. All bullshit aside I am still very excited. I love you.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

33 weeks 5 days

I passed my final for Paramedic school and we took a little vacation before the baby gets here. If he is blonde I am going to make you stick to our deal. His name will be Logan if he is blonde and if he has dark hair it is Garrett or Grayson whichever you like. While on vacation I got a letter saying I did not make the top 60 candidates for a fire department I really wanted to be on. To be honest I was prepared for the bad news so it didn't affect me like I thought it might. Up until now I had been amazed at how these guys with their career on the line keep it together when they get denied at the last interview. While I am sure they are disappointed they just keep plugging away at it. That's what you gotta do to do the job.